April 15

Effective Law SEO Blogging 101


How to write blogs in such a way that your law firm is always at the top of search queries and attracts more potential clients? This is what using SEO processes in your law firm’s promotion is aimed at.

Top SEO tips for Lawyer Blog

In the given article, we have collected the top 10 useful tips that will help your law firm reach the target audience and increase demand for the services provided:

  • Headlines are Keyword Advancers

Start by analyzing and identifying the words that your potential client will enter into the search bar wishing to purchase the services of your law firm. This can be done both in advance and during the writing of the main blog post. And when you find these words, use the most important ones in the headlines. Remember that H1 headings should comprehensively encompass the overall topic, while H2, H3, and H4 name the logical parts of the text. Well-chosen headlines will not only help readers determine what your blog is about at a glance. However, the search engine must also understand the content of your text in order to determine its position in the relevance ranking.

  • Direct and Concise Answers

A potential client will find your law firm easier if the substantive part of your text can be represented as a featured snippet, providing a concise answer to the question, a scheme of actions, or a list of options. For example, if a search query asks, “Do personal injury lawyers deal with boat accidents?” then a fragment of your text should contain the answer, “Personal injury lawyers deal with boat accidents.” This fragment will be highlighted and displayed as one of the first in the list.

  • Don’t Overdo Keywords Inserting

Of course, it’s extremely important to use keywords, but only in places where they fit the context. Keep in mind the readers, not only the search engines. Firstly, algorithms have already learned to separate spam from high-quality content, so thoughtless saturation with terms will not help. A potential client, seeing the words used in an unorganized and unnatural way, may feel rejection from the content, even if it is highlighted at the top.

  • Avoid Long Text Blocks

A person prefers small fragments so as not to gradually lose concentration, and search engines, on the other hand, prefer long ones because they can scan them more. How do we balance the two scales to tend to both? Write long, detailed blogs, but at the same time, break them down into digestible parts. To make content easier to understand, use headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists frequently.

  • Correct Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are short representations displayed below the search results and preliminarily inform the readers/search engines what the content will be. Descriptions should be short, clear, and rich in keywords because Google will search for them in order to rate them.

  • Alt Text for Your Images

Alt text is a textual description that is loaded instead of an image:

  • If the internet is slow or bad and the picture does not load at all;
  • for the visually impaired or the unseeing so that they can turn on text-to-speech;
  • in order for Google to be able to analyze your content better. 

The description should be brief and to the point, and it is also desirable to add a keyword.

  • Compress Images to Increase the Loading Speed

Google prioritizes pages with a pleasant user experience. Therefore, the faster the page loads, the better for your law firm. Conversely, if massive images complicate the page-loading process, the block will get less attention. So before posting, we recommend choosing any application that compresses heavy images without compromising quality.

  • Build a Profitable Link System

Every additional mention of your article makes it more credible and, therefore, appealing. Use it to your advantage! And this can be achieved only by presenting unique content, previously unseen research, self-collected statistics, and rare, original, and useful ideas.

  • Refer to Authoritative Sources Yourself

Links to useful and trustworthy sites are a cue to search engines to boost your site in the query. Furthermore, it will help you create a favorable impression among readers. No doubt, readers will appreciate the study of difficult-to-understand sources, scientific data, etc., which are analyzed and presented in an understandable form.

  • Refer to your Own Pertinent Posts

Use internal links to keep the reader in your sphere of influence longer and contribute to their interest in your law firm. Preferably, use links that do not take context out of context and look natural. Mention the previous posts that directly analyze in detail certain significant topics. As well as those of your posts that only touch on or reinforce the topics discussed in the post you’re about to publish.

All in all, well-optimized content looks advantageous both in the eyes of readers and within the framework of the query algorithm. Original content, appropriate use of keys, and a pleasant user experience – that’s what is in demand from both clients and search engines. If you’re a law firm that is new to SEO posting, you may always apply to professional SEO service providers.


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