April 15

Law Firm Website Content 101


Not every company truly invests in the website that it has, but in these times, informative and original content is something that could improve the trustworthiness of the company and, thus, bring more clients that would stay loyal to the company for a long period of time.


The same goes for law firms, and it is especially important to make the information that they publish on their websites clear and helpful since the topic is not an easy one for any client that they might have.


By reading this article, you will get a better understanding of the content of the pages that you would need to place on your website in order to be helpful to potential clients, show them your credibility, and turn them into loyal clients!

Define the Goals of your Content

Before going into any specifics about the exact pages or information that you need to put into your website, you need to understand your own goals for whatever content that will be later published.


For instance, think about the kinds of people that you would like to attract and the end result that your website should bring to you.

Establishing Content Purposes

There are multiple reasons why a particular law firm would like to fill its website with a lot of informative content, but we still can distinguish a list of the most popular ones, something that could be helpful for you to determine your own goals.


So take a look at the following list and decide what your own major goals are:

  • Improve the credibility of your company;
  • Increase the amount of demand from the potential side clients;
  • Stand out in front of your competition;
  • Provide high-quality educational information for your customers and decrease the workload of your employees.


Once your goals are established, you can then optimize your content in a way that would help you to solve your problems. 


You should also remember that although your general goals could be blurry, your actions should be based on smaller purposes that are measurable, specific, and time-limited. And in order for you to create such purposes, some prioritization might be required. Do something that is more important to you right now and leave the rest of your goals for later.

Determining a Target Audience

Although we all understand that a law firm should target the audience that needs some legal advice, you need to be more specific than that in order to receive potential clients that could actually hire you.


Hence, you should think about some basic social demographic characteristics of your ideal client, such as age, income, location, and ethnicity. A company that specializes in big corporate cases would also require bigger checks from its clients, something that ordinary people cannot afford.


In addition to that, think about the legal problems that your potential clients might be dealing with. While some law firms do not specialize in one particular area, others might work primarily with cases related to domestic abuse, and the content of the websites of such companies should be completely different.


You always need to start thinking from the side of your potential customers and write the texts for them directly. All other things that would attract their attention to your website, such as SEO optimization, could be done later to your original texts.

Law Firm Content Optimization

The only time when the content of your website could be easily found without optimization techniques is when you work with an extremely limited target audience, and there are not so many great resources for your topic.


In any other case, law firms included, you would need to optimize your text in order for search engines like Google to show your website in the top 10 search results.


Here are some of the most popular techniques that should be implemented by your writers in the texts that would be published on the website:


  1. Keyword implementation;
  2. Constant updates of broken and outdated links;
  3. Unique titles and meta descriptions.


And once the texts were written, optimized, and published, you could track the performance of your website with the help of different metrics. Google Analytics is a great tool for such purposes, and you can filter the exact metrics that you need in there, such as the ones that are related to the number of unique website visitors, the most visited pages, or the most useful keywords that were used to find your website.

Finding the Correct Keywords

And although these tasks are usually made by professional writers and not companies’ CEOs, let us cover some of the simplest ways that you could use in order to define the keywords that would be appropriate for your website and potentially place your website on the first page of Google search results.


Keywords should be implemented on every page of your website and should be chosen individually for each text and topic that is covered in it. Start your search for appropriate keywords by thinking about the most common questions that your clients have on this topic. In them, you will already come up with a list of a few words that should be used in your titles and texts.


After that, you might also want to try to Google this question, look at the suggested search phrases that would be provided to you and implement them in your texts as well.


It could also be a good idea to look at the “Related searches” section at the bottom of your Google search page and see what kinds of words and results are used in them as well.


Of course, this is the simplest method that could only give you an idea about the questions and themes that are searched by your potential customers on the topic that you have in mind, which is why professional help should be used for this task for sure.

Content Promotion

It does not matter whether you just created your website and filled it with absolutely fresh content or updated an already existing site with new texts; it is going to take a while for your efforts to pay off, which is why you might also want to do a promotion of your content at the same time.


For example, you can post your content on social media as well; LinkedIn and Facebook seem to work quite decently for law firms. Other options would include paying for your content to be included in newsletters or email marketing letters, as well as creating your own Youtube channel where you could also broadcast some crucial information for bigger audiences.


It is always a good idea to back up your new content with some additional promotion measures to ensure that you will get those additional clients or better credibility than you initially wanted.

Webpages to Include in a Law Firm Website

As our practice shows, there is no universal list of pages that a firm should have on its website in order to receive the desired attention, which is why you would still need to practice different styles on your own or hire a professional team to do the job for you.


However, we still can cover some general pages that any law firm website should have and not only for the increase in the number of clients but for the future clarity in the communication with those customers about your services and employees. So here is the list of the web pages that are a must for your website:

Convincing Homepage

It is a known fact that people do not sit on websites that load longer than 5 seconds; they know that they will always have other choices for a source of information, and they will close the current page. Therefore, make sure that your homepage downloads quickly, clearly communicates about the company and services provided, grabs the attention of a reader with its designs, and has some action buttons to encourage the visitor to stay longer on the website.

Concise “About” Page

Your “About” webpage is the exact source of information that clients need to read in order to understand the experience, character, and vision of your company so that they could be sure in their decision to collaborate with you. However, you should not make this page too big simply because people will not spend a lot of their time reading about every little detail about your company. Instead, they need a quick but thorough overview of your firm to understand whether or not their goals coincide with the vision of your company.

Personalized Attorney Bio Pages

Attorney bio pages are another must simply because it is common for clients of a law firm to work and be in contact with one attorney, no matter whether that professional has or does not have a team of lawyers working on the case as well. It is important for potential clients to see that they can be comfortable with a professional that they are going to work with, which is why bio pages would be a helpful tool for solving this issue.

In-depth Practice Area Pages

It is quite logical that for a client to contact you and schedule an appointment, some information about the services provided is necessary. Therefore, do not forget to include practice area pages that would let your potential clients understand what kind of services you provide and what will be included in them. It could be helpful for clients’ navigation to divide all of your services into particular practice areas so that a customer would not need to go through all of the pages in order to find the service that he or she needs.

Educational Blog Posts

Aside from the marketing pages described above, you also need to publish lots of informative blog articles that would show your expertise in the area more than any other words could. Such articles should be made with the aim of informing people about a particular topic and answering the most common or the hardest questions that they have. This way, you will not only ease the work of your lawyers in the way that they would not need to cover the basics with new clients but also show that you are professionals that know a lot about their practice area.

A Notable Page for Scheduling a Consultation

These days more and more people prefer to decrease the amount of contact with other people that they do not know to a minimum, which is why your clients should have an opportunity to contact you not only through a phone call but with the help of a scheduling form on your website as well. Providing your clients with every possible alternative every step of the way shows that you care about them, therefore making customers more loyal to the company.

A Persuasive Testimonials Page

The credibility of the company, especially of a law firm, should be confirmed not only by previous or current clients but by other professionals in this sphere as well. Industry experts know much more about the depth of knowledge and experience of a particular company than any client with one successful cooperation, so do not forget to include this page as well. As for the positive outcomes that were received by your clients, they should also be included on your website, but just on a different page. That way, you will cover any possible doubts that newcomers could have about your law firm.

Elaborated FAQ Page

Although some of the clients would have enough time and motivation to go through your blog posts, others would simply skip this step and go directly to the FAQ page. It does not mean that you should focus on the FAQ page only and forget about blog articles no. These pages will simply be dedicated to different types of audiences, therefore providing you with wider coverage of potential clients. A FAQ page should contain all of the most popular questions that your customers could have.

Law FIrm SEO Takeaway

As you can see, law firms have a lot of ground to cover when it comes to the content published on their websites, which is why some professional help should also be received in order to ensure that the texts are of high quality and the SEO ranking is decent enough for you to receive new clients.


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